The Museum houses a wide variety of themed galleries which include a unique collection of 300 coloured diamonds and other precious minerals, a display of old and new images of nature from oil paint and sketches to the very latest photography and an exploration of life up to 5,000 metres under the sea. Other exciting galleries offer the chance to watch how human life is formed and develops, to experience the sensation of a small earthquake and to walk through an aquarium housing the coral and creatures of a Western Pacific reef. And where else could you see a slice of Giant Sequoia, a piece of Moon Rock, a meteorite from Mars and a Neanderthal’s skull under the same roof as a first edition of Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species’, a full-size 10-tonne model of a Blue Whale and a the skull of a now-extinct breed of lion which once roamed the menagerie in the Tower of London’s moat?
I will show you both the unique and famous ‘landmarks’ of the Museum’s vast collection and take you to those particular galleries that most interest you in a tour which will open your eyes anew to the wonders of our Earth.